Announcing New Affiliate/Referral Program

Today we are launching our new affiliate program to allow users to send referrals to Crypto Facilities and benefit from their activity.
In order to benefit from this you must be at least Tier 1 verified.
Once you have accepted the Affiliate Program Terms as seen below:

Then you will be able to see your affiliate panel in the right side that displays the lifetime revenue share you will earn, as well as the discount your referred users will receive in their first 30 days of trading:

The program is simple:
- Send users to your link generated in the Affiliate Panel
- Users who click the link will have a 7-day cookie planted in their browser so that you will earn if they return later and sign up
- Any execution that generates revenue will lead to a share credited to you (i.e., even if you refer a maker-only user, you will share in any executions he is part of that generate gross revenue – taker - maker)
For more details visit the Resources page