Revenue Share Program and Market Parameters Update

Since the announcement of our Revenue Share Program (RSP) in late January, we have seen a vast growth in liquidity on the platform. For instance, liquidity in the XBT/USD Perpetual has improved around 6 times:

The RSP will therefore be extended beyond the initial 10 week period. In order to align payouts more closely to trading volumes, the $50,000 fixed weekly payout will be replaced by a 30% revenue share per Contract Type with a guaranteed $25,000 minimum payout, split as follows:
- XBT:USD $8,000
- ETH:USD $8,000
- XRP:USD $3,000
- LTC:USD $2,500
- BCH:USD $2,500
- XRP:XBT $1,000
These changes will become effective on April 12, 2019 and stay in force open ended.
Market Parameter Changes
On March 22, 2019, 12:00 UTC the following market parameter changes will become effective:
- XBT:USD contracts tick size change from $1 to $0.50
- ETH:USD contracts tick size change from $0.10 to $0.05
Fee Schedule Changes
From March 22, 2019, 12:00 UTC onwards, trading fees across all contracts will be changed to -0.02% for maker trades and 0.075% for taker trades.
Demo and Conformance Testing Environments
Want to trade on the platform without risking real funds or test your API implementation? Check out our demo site and conformance testing environment. Read more here.
Crypto Facilities Ltd reserves the right to remove the RSP at its sole discretion at any time.